Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cold, Cold, Cold

Did I mention it's cold.

I made it back to the states after a very long travel day consisting of 36 hours of one day. Boy was Jan 15 a very long day. It was definitely a shock to the system to be in weather that is below freezing, why did I leave summer. But the slope are calling. And it is wonderful to see Sarah and Damon.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Last day in New Zealand...

I now have to say good bye to the stars of the southern Hemisphere.
Well it's been a long wonderful trip, I say long but now that it is coming to an end it doesn't feel long. New Zealand is a wonderful place of new discoveries around each corner. I will have to come back to finish the country, one month is not long enough. So here are a few photos of the last few days.
I'm in Auckland for the last day and will be spend it with Francois seeing Auckland, the sky tower and the harbor.
Saying Goodbye to the south Island

Francois at the thermal park

Tasman Sea and South Pacific Ocean converge

Beautiful sunset on the last camping day (13 Jan 08)

A perfect way to end a wonderful trip of New Zealand.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Just a quick message from Thames

So I'm on the north Island and finally found the sun after 2 days of looking. I'm travelling with a Frenchman I picked up in Rotorua. Very nice guy and we are having fun with the language barrier. Heading towards 90 mile beach today to see the everything. Hope all is well with everyone and will post again soon.