Sunday, December 2, 2007

Cairns what can I say but it's hot!!!

So it is Monday and I'm trying to beat the heat by staying in any place that has AC. It is so hot here. Well I guess what do I expect for a rainforest and in the tropics.

I arrived on Saturday and booked my first trip for Sunday. I went snokeling and did an introductory dive out on the great barrier reef. It was amazing. So now I need to get my diving certificate. I saw abunch 0f fish and coral of course and 2 sharks. The diving was really great because I was able to almost touch the fish. I even saw the real nemo.

Today I'm just doing laundry and hanging out, its an off day for me. Tomorrow I'm taking a tour into the rainforest to see the beauty that it holds. Then on Wednesday off to Brisbane for a few hopefully cooler days.

Since I don't have the reef pictures yet I hope these will do.

Koala up close and personal at the Victoria wildlife santurary

At the Melbourne Botanic Gardens

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