Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Lost in the jungle

So I just spent the last hour looking for a shop to buy a nice shirt (reason why coming up). I entered in through a store and got sucked in to the maze that is the underground shopping malls here in Sydney. When I finally found an exit I was so turned around that I started off in the wrong direction to get back to my hostel. And I never got a nice shirt.

Ok for the reason I wanted a nice shirt... wait for it... wait for it...

I'm going to be seeing Eric Idle in Not the Messiah at the Sydney Opera House!!! I'm so excited. Eric Idle live in a spoof play based on The life of Brian movie. I can't believe it. And it is the last night for the show. I will be sitting in the main theatre hall of the opera house and will be seeing Eric Idle live. I just can't say it enough. (Oh and by the way there is no dress code so I really don't need a nice shirt.)

Well anyway. Here's some photos I took today.
Does this really need a title

Since when does Harry Potter live in Sydney?

I will let you all know how wonderful the show is tomorrow. Have a wonderful night everyone. heehee I'm going to see eric Idle at the Opera House. heeheehee

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